Also see the official Drupal glossary.
A common term within Drupal is node. A node is a piece of content on your website, such as a page, an image, an event, etc. Each piece of content is stored individually within your database as a node. Each node has fields such as Title, Body, and Author Name. Nodes can be assigned to Taxonomy Terms (see below) to organize them into categories.
Taxonomy is Drupal-speak for organizing your content in categories. A Vocabulary is a container that holds different categories. For example, the vocabulary “Scholar Type” contains categories like “Director”, “Faculty”, and “Member”. The categories themselves are referred to as Terms.
Using Views allows you to fetch content from a database and present it to the user as lists, posts, galleries, tables, maps, graphs, menu items, blocks, reports, forum posts etc. It provides a graphical interface to a SQL query builder that can access virtually any information in your database and display it in any format. You can also use Views to present related content.
WYSIWYG is an acronym for What You See Is What You Get. The WYSIWYG editor allows you to edit content on your page and apply styles with a familiar word processor styled icon interface to edit the appearance of your website content without needing to add HTML code.