Using Content Types
A variety of content types are available on each site.
Note: if you are
copying from a website or word document be sure to use the Paste
a Plain Text Button or the Paste from Word button in the WYSIWYG
so you can strip external formatting.
Basic Page Content Type
- Enter the page’s name in the Title field
and content in the Body field.
- If a summary is desired, click Edit
Summary and enter text into the Summary field.
Contact Content Type
This feature is exclusive to
Contacts are displayed in limited circumstances, such as on the
trustees page.
Event Content Type
This feature is exclusive to
Events themselves are synced from IAS databases. In general, events
may be edited in Drupal but should never be added in Drupal. Some
fields are editable as a way to embellish events for display.
Synced fields are indicated in red. Do not edit synced fields.
- Selecting
“Featured Event” will feature the event on the /events landing page.
- Selecting “Homepage Featured Event” will feature the event on the
site homepage in a special area. At least two upcoming events must be marked
as “Homepage Featured” in order for them to be displayed this way.
![homepage featured event](/ias/img/homepage_featured_event.png)
- Enter a shortened title to display in areas or where a truncated
title is needed to fit the designs.
- Enter an optional content type label. This will override the
default label in displays. An optional URL will override the
default link destination.
- Enter optional homepage grid teaser text.
- If desired or applicable, upload an Image. The Image will
appear at the top of the event’s own page, and if featured, the
/events landing page.
- If a Registration Form
has already been created, start typing
the registration form’s title and it will autocomplete. You
must create the form first for it to appear here.
- To add Related Content, type the relevant content’s title and
it will autocomplete. This applies to other events, press
releases, news, and ideas. This will be displayed at the bottom
of the Event.
- If applicable, type a scholar’s name into the Related Scholar
field and it will auto complete. Click “Add another item” if
there are multiple scholars associated with this event. This
will be displayed at the bottom of the Event.
- To display the full location address, edit its
location taxonomy term
Event Registration Webform Content Type
This feature is exclusive to
An Event Registration Webform should be created for each individual
event registration that is required.
- Enter a title that will properly
identify the node. This title is used to select the form
from the Event node and will not be displayed on the actual event
- After saving you will be redirected to the Webform Form Components page.
Defaults have been created for a basic registration form. Add,
update, and edit components as needed.
![event webform components](/ias/img/event_webform_components.png)
- The E-mails tab under Webform will let you add emails for notifications.
These notifications can be replys to submissions, or notifications
that someone has registered.
- The Form Settings tab under Webform will change settings on how the
form acts. Please edit these values carefully. By default, when a
user submits the form, the Event page will be reloaded with a message
saying “Thank you, your submission has been received.”
- To check on results, click on the Results tab of the Webform node.
Here you will see subtabs to check the data from the submissions.
Featured Scholar Content Type
This feature is exclusive to
Featured Scholar content applies to the callouts on the homepage
- Enter the Scholar’s name into the Backend Title field and
select the Scholar Reference.
- The Scholar Reference will link to
a Scholar’s page.
- The Backend Title is a default that will only
display if the scholar reference is missing.
- Select a Scholar Column Width: Column Half, Column Two Thirds,
Column One Thirds. When choosing column width, Column One/Two thirds
are not exactly in thirds, but are offset from the center. But
roughly the math will work. If you pick Half and Two Thirds, the
two items will not stay on one row, etc. Ideally, Items on the same
row should both be set to half -OR- one to Two Thirds and one to
One Third.
- Upload an Image or choose one from the media library.
- The image will appear next to the featured scholar content on the
![featured scholar](/ias/img/featured_scholar.png)
- Select “Make Image Circular” to change the shape. And choose a
position for the image: Left or Right.
- Select the Scholar Type
from the drop down to be displayed at the top of callout.
- Enter the Featured Scholar’s content into the Description field.
Note: Curly
will need to be added manually.
- Enter the Scholar’s Field of Study and select Affiliation.
Homepage Content Type
This feature is exclusive to
- Although it is a content type, there should only be one Homepage.
Please edit only the current homepage to make changes. Note: this
content type is also used for the Ideas landing page.
- The Title
should always be Homepage. There is a reminder that events are added
via the event node, not on the homepage.
- The Homepage Hero appears at the top of the homepage. Display Title
and Hero Button Label will show up on top of the image. The Hero
Button Link corresponds to an overlay made for Youtube videos.
![homepage hero](/ias/img/homepage_hero.png)
- Add an image to the Homepage Hero through the
Hero Image Background field. Content authors can add more images
with the Attach Media button. If multiple images are uploaded,
the image will randomize when a visitor arrives on the homepage.
- Grid Items gives you the ability to select any content type (Event,
Idea, News, and Press Release) and display in one of three
different ways: 1 Column, 2 Column, and 2 Column featured.
- To rearrange the the order of any of the items, click and hold the move icon
(➕) to the desired position.
![grid items edit](/ias/img/grid_items_edit.png)
Idea Content Type
This feature is exclusive to
- Enter the Title and Subtitle.
- If desired, add a Short Title that will be displayed at different screen
sizes as needed to fit the designs.
- Add the Date of when the article is published for archiving purposes
(“Show End Date” is a default option that cannot be removed from this field.)
- Add a Featured Thumbnail which will be displayed on the Homepage,
Ideas landing page, in Publications, and in related content on other
- Add an Embed Video, which will be displayed at the top of an Ideas
- Optionally, add an image gallery.
- Start typing the Author (Scholar) name and it will auto complete,
if the person has a Scholar node created. This will automatically
link to his/her profile page. The “Add another item” button allows
you to add multiple authors.
- If the author does not have a Scholar node or is not part of IAS,
enter her/his name in the Author (Non-Scholar) field. Again, the “Add
another item” button allows you to add multiple authors.
- If desired, add a description for the author to be displayed at the
bottom of the article.
- Enter Body content into the WYSIWYG. If an in-line callout is desired
to tease out other content, add shortcodes via
- Adding a Citation should be done with an ordered list:
- Citations will be displayed at the bottom of the article:
![citation example](/ias/img/citation_example.png)
- Add the title of the Publication where
this Idea is published (eg The Institute Letter) in the Published In field.
This field will auto-complete and the article will automatically be added
to that publication. Note: the publication must exist before
it can be added to this field.
- Select an Affiliation. This will be used for filtering the Ideas.
- Type Idea Tags and they will auto-complete.
- Optionally, add Related Scholars and Related Content. The related content is
displayed on both both the Idea’s detail page as well as the scholars or
content page to which it’s related.
- Special styles are available on this content type: Intro Text and Long
In the Media Content Type
This feature is exclusive to
See News Content Type.
Landing Content Type
This feature is exclusive to
Landing pages have a hero image with display title and
sections for building interesting pages.
News Content Type
This feature is exclusive to
- Check “Featured News” if you would like it to appear at the top of the
news landing page. (If multiple nodes are checked they will show one
at a time in chronological order. If featured, the node should be given
an Image to be displayed.)
Press Release Content Type
This feature is exclusive to
See News Content Type.
Publication Content Type
This feature is exclusive to
- Enter the Publication’s Title and Display Title and select the publication
type. Display Title displays on the
frontend when viewing the publications archive. If left blank, Title field
will be the default.
- The External Link fields are used to link elsewhere the publication is
hosted on another site.
Scholar Content Type
This feature is exclusive to
Scholars themselves are synced from IAS databases. In general, scholars
may be edited in Drupal but should never be added in Drupal. Some
fields are editable as a way to embellish scholars for display.
Synced fields are indicated in red. Do not edit synced fields.
Stacked Page Content Type
- Stacked Pages allow you to compose pages out of building blocks called
Sections. Sections represent options for displaying various types of
information and media, such as text areas, quotes, videos, and image
- You can add an optional banner image to the top of a stacked page. When
this image is added, the title appears on top of it. See the
media documentation for information about working with image
- Teaser Text should be added if the page is referenced elsewhere, such as in a
Callout List Content section.
Webform Content Type
Webform is the module for making forms
and surveys in Drupal.